COVID / 2519 Views

Funeral director John O’Looney witnessed mass murder by British government. Thousands of people were killed in care homes, and then labeled as covid deaths. That was the start of the ‘pandemic’ in the U.K.

His testimony is by far the most revealing and most shocking of all. Absolute must see for al of humanity.


Funeral director John O’Looney saw to his horror how thousands of vulnerable people were murdered in care homes, to start the covid pandemic in the United Kingdom. Later he was contacted by a government official instructing him to label every natural death as covid. John O’Looney also saw how the death rates suddenly exploded, once vaccinations began. John O’Looney is connected to 45 other funeral directors who all told him they see the same things: mass murder by governments, relabeling every death as covid, and massive death waves following the vaccinations.

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